Definition of Philosophy

1-DSCN1125-001 Mystical Miles is a philosophy of running.

The definition of philosophy goes towards clarifying how  Mystical Miles uses of “Philosophy” as maybe an aid to understanding the book.

The Mystical Miles definition of Philosophy goes like this:

Philosophy is:

  • Talk about the things people (we) do and the ideas people (we) have.
  • It is also talk about the way we talk about the things we do and the ideas we use to think and talk about the things we do and ideas we have. (You have to keep your hat on :-))
  • More rarefied fields of philosophy talk about the talk about talking about the things people do and the ideas we have.

“Talk” as I use it here includes thinking about, writing, discussing, exploring, arguing, identifying problems and issues, maybe suggesting ways of resolving them, reasoning, researching, analysing, synthesising, reviewing, suggesting, speculation, theorising, prescribing, explaining and a lot more.

“Talk” is also not just any old talking. The serious part of philosophy is rational: reasons are or can be given, assumptions identified and questioned, contradictions, absurdities and more are identified; logical consequences can be extracted and more.

The “talk” is also more about the why, the reasons for what we do and the ideas we have; and to get at what we do and what our ideas are, rather than how we do  the things we do.

The Mystical Miles Premise

The Mystical Miles premise is that if an idea through a  couple of ultra-marathons, it could have a value;  a value that will determined by what more it enables.

Of course sometimes is easier just to run and often better just to run than to talk about running.

Yet Mystical Miles suggests that if we think about what we are doing, more especially if we don’t think about what we are doing so that we are not bound by all the thinking frameworks we have been taught or have learned or patterned ourselves, but rather engage with what we are doing with an open mind and work on keeping opening our minds, we can get to understand what is, and then magically and enrichingly, what else is and is possible.


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